The Teacher's Day Anchoring Script

Ladies and gentlemen, we give God praise for bringing us to this point. We come from different nations, speak different languages, and have diverse cultural traditions. Our histories and cultures are also as diverse as we are. While some of us acknowledge the creator as our source of strength and others do not recognise any religion or tradition, we are all members of the human family and have a lot to be thankful for. We are grateful to our families, who always love us, our friends, who make us laugh and weep, and especially our mentors and teachers, who are always there to see that we succeed. These people give us strength and hope. 

We also see the need to share our optimism with the world. We must design and learn about their future. In the words of Mr. Rogers, "Our world hangs like a gorgeous diamond in the void of space. Each and every one of us contributes to that gem. An aspect of that gem. And from the standpoint of infinity, our differences are negligible. So, may we continually make a better difference and not just on this lucky day.

Teacher's Day Anchoring Script in English

first anchor:

Happy morning! Our Honourable Teachers and Learners!,I hope things is okay with you.How different is this morning, feeling refreshed with a cool environment out here? The galaxy of intellectuals, your Excellency, invited guests, professors, students, kids, and my beloved friends.

Dear Teachers & Children, you will see for yourselves as the festivities of the cultural feast unfold!My first and primary responsibility is to wish you all a happy Teacher's Day on behalf of the Principal, Teaching Staff, and Students.

Second anchor:

We consider it a privilege to have - 

His Excellence, the distinguished chief guest ACS Arun Kumar Chanceler DR.MGR Educational & Research Institute Tamil Nadu - 
Your excellent service in a variety of capacities has made us all proud, sir, so you barely need an introduction. You are a dignitary in the education sector who is well-known. Honourable guests: Mr. Sanguman sir, the Pro-Vice Chairman of the University, is a guy with a clear vision and a source of enlightening thoughts. He is an idol of wisdom and experience who serves as an inspiration to all of us. Mr. Md Rashid, who is (fill up your own information)

first anchor:

We will now perform our customary, auspicious LAMP-LIGHTING ceremony in honour of Mother Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge. (Mother, we humbly ask for your blessings; please grant us wisdom to improve this world. May everyone live in harmony with the environment and other living things. May the truth win out. May the dawn of self-realization drive away the night of ignorance, as wished for by our distinguished chief guest, His Highness Ms. Dr. Kanya Mam.

Mam please...

Second anchor:

Next, I'd like to introduce our esteemed Principal, the creator of human character, a seasoned academic, and the leader of this knowledge's flagship, who will deliver a succinct agenda and the college presentation.


first anchor:

Please allow us to begin the programme without taking up too much of your time. Do you notice any turbulence in this area?

Second anchor:

Yes, I do; heartbeats have increased; and everyone is anxious to immerse themselves in the joy, light, and music. So, you're right here. Under the capable direction of our professors, we shall have a rainbow of cultural programmes prepared for us today.


first anchor:

Yes, it was a beautiful performance. How engrossing! poetry in motion!! a fusion of holy melody and cosmic tune.

Second anchor:

Hold your breath as we go on to another dancing performance. Candle dance is conceivably one of the oldest dancing styles in existence. It dates back thousands of years rather than simply centuries. Our mental condition becomes more basic and archetypal when we dance with fire.This captivating, potent, and seductive candle dance performance necessitates complete body integration.


first anchor:

I'm still getting caught in the tones of that melody. (Anchor-2) Come back now, then. Let's change things up.

Second anchor:

Okay, what comes next?

first anchor:

Wait, wait, don't go faster than the timer! Visit the life's theatre with me. Children in grades 2 through 6 will now transport us back in time. We are presently presenting a drama, yes.the performance of PIPED PIPER OF HAMELIN. There is a myth regarding the
several youngsters from the German town of Haemlin have been abducted. It's an expert costum drama.


Second anchor:

Do you understand the powers of ankle bells?

first anchor:

Magic !

Yes, both magic and music. A breathtaking dancing event called a ballet is about to begin. It's a highly technical, formalised form of dance performance with its own terminology.

Second anchor:

Is that true?

first anchor:

Yes, a combination of fluid and precise, weightless acrobatic moves and rigorous point work.

Second anchor:

Wow ! incredible. Really, everyone was held hostage by the youthful dancers. writing a creative essay. Steps going at a breakneck pace. Awesome !

first anchor:

Do you not believe that children are more creative than adults?

Second anchor:

Which way do you mean?

first anchor:

The kids are more talented, I mean.

Second anchor:

Please wait a second.

first anchor:

What's going on?

Second anchor:

Surprise. Suspense. Action and feeling.

first anchor:

Come ahead, tell me what this problem is.

Second anchor:

The one-act drama FRIENDSHIP FOREVER, which will be performed by our seniors, will now take the stage and wow the audience.

first anchor:

You can find me right here.………

Performance (conclusion)
Second anchor:

It is now time to welcome our honourable, who will speak briefly on this wonderful occasion of Teachers Day and provide us with some guidance for the future.

first anchor:

I now want to make a call. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mr. spoke a few words to inspire us all.
The two anchors: I am aware that you are all enjoying the moment, but now is the time to declare the function to be over. We would like to wish everyone a very "HAPPY TEACHERS DAY" before we sign off.


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Md Rashid

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