Anchoring script for Independence day 2023

India is currently commemorating the 77th anniversary of its independence, and you can get an anchoring screenplay for the event called Swatantrata ka Amrit Mahotsav here.

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दोस्तां हमारा,
हम बुलबुलें हैं इसकी ये गुलिस्तां हमारा ।

Good morning to all.

On this most important and historic day in India's history—Swatantrata ka Amrit Mahotsav—I Rashid, on behalf of the nation's dignitaries and my beloved friends, extend a hearty welcome to all of you.

India, our motherland, is through the Amrit Kal, a time of pleasure when a new world is opening up before us and another one is fading away.

Welcome chief guest

On behalf of our school, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our visitor. To welcome the distinguished principal guest, we shall offer a bouquet of flowers.

We are about to begin our ceremonious flag-waving tribute to our motherland. May all living things coexist peacefully with the environment and other species.

I'd like to now call the Principal Sir and Chief Guests for Flag Hosting.

Flag Hosting.

How would life be without liberty, dear friends?

Nothing more than a nightmare,

void of Joy,

happiness is lacking,

Without inspiration,

devoid of enthusiasm.

The extraordinary sacrifices made by individuals who were committed to protect our motherland from the evil intentions of our colonial overlords are the reason we are able to enjoy all of the freedoms and belongings we do today.

Those Martyrs, those unsung heroes, whose unwavering devotion to the nation resulted in our freedom.

All of them deserve our respect and remembrance.

The warriors who broke the bonds of slavery and liberated Mother India

Many salutations were given to him today.


  • भारत माता की जय – 2
  • महात्मा गांधी की जय – 2
  • चाचा नेहरू की जय – 2
  • अमर शहीदों की जय – 2
  •  स्वतंत्रता दिवस – 2

We will now conduct a ceremony to hoist the flag, and on this special occasion, I kindly ask the chief guest and all other dignitaries to approach the stage.

देश की शान है तिरंगा,
हर हिंदुस्तानी के दिल की धड़कन है तिरंगा,
इसकी शान-ओ-शौकत से ही,
गुलशन है भारत माँ का दामन।

ये तिरंगा नही केवल,
ये चैन-ओ-अमन है,
शरहद पर कुर्बान होने वाले,
हर शहीदों का कफ़न है।

इसके परवाज़ से ही,
झूमता ये अनंत गगन है,
रग-रग में बसता,
सारा जग जैसे रौशन ही रौशन है।

भारत माँ के दामन पर लहराते,
इस तिरंगे को नमन है,
रक्षा कर इसकी देंगे प्राण न्यौछावर,
हर एक भारत वासी का ये प्रण है।
ACS Sanguman sir.
Chanceller, Dr MGR Chennai (India).

The national anthem is played.

It is our responsibility to defend and advance the tricolour.

Message from the principal visitor.

I sincerely appreciate your enlightening speech, Sir.

We are all experiencing a proud moment as we take in the Swatantrata ka Amrit Mahotsav. Everyone seemed happy, and we have a number of programmes in the works for you.

National anthem lyrics in Hindi

जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे
भारत भाग्य विधाता।

पंजाब सिन्ध गुजरात मराठा
द्रविड़ उत्कल बंग।
विंध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा
उच्छल जलधि तरंग।

तव शुभ नामे जागे
तव शुभ आशीष मागे।

गाहे तव जयगाथा।

जन गण मंगलदायक जय हे
भारत भाग्य विधाता।

जय हे, जय हे, जय हे
जय जय जय जय हे

Independence day Anchoring Script in English in 100-150 words

Everyone will remember this day. Salutations to the teachers, the principal, the chief guest of the day, and my fellow students. I'm astounded to be a part of this programme as well as honoured to be standing here on this momentous day and giving this speech. I'm sure every Indian feels goosebumps when they watch the flag being raised. We are all filled with pride. On this day, India gained its independence, but it also imparts to us a valuable lesson about living independently. The terrible treatment of our land by Britons makes reading about the suffering of our ancestors heartbreaking. But when we witness people battling for their rights, we should be motivated.

I am proud to be Indian.

Many Thanx! Jai Hind.

    I sincerely hope that this anchoring script for the Independence day (15th of August) has aided you in your work. Please spread the word to everyone, and have a wonderful Independence Day.


Independence Day (India) | History | Date | Facts Britannica India celebrates Independence Day on August 15 every year as a national holiday. Independence Day commemorates the end of British rule in 1947, which was brought about by the Indian Independence Act of July 18 of that year, and the creation of a free and independent India.

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Md Rashid

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